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Call to Action
Enter an optional call to action. For example, Order now (link to your store)
How do I submit a WhatsApp template for approval?
This can be done from your Business Dashboard under the Marketing Tab. Follow the steps given below to submit your WhatsApp template for approval - 1. Under marketing, click on templates. Click on the 'create template' button on the top right. 2. ...
How do I create templates for Email campaigns using the template manager?
This can be done on your Business Dashboard, under the Marketing tab. Follow the steps given below: 1.From the drop down menu on your left, click on ‘Templates’ under the marketing tab. 2.Click on ‘create template’ on the right hand top corner. ...
What are the common rejection reasons for a WhatsApp campaign template?
Here are a few common rejection reasons for a WhatsApp campaign template - Variable parameters are missing or have mismatched curly braces. The correct format is {{1}}. Variable parameters contain special characters such as a #, $, or %. Variable ...
How can I set up a loyalty program?
This can be done via your Business Dashboard, under the Loyalty section. Follow the steps given below - 1. Click on the 'create loyalty program' button on the top right corner of the page. 2. Select the type of Loyalty program you want to set up. A ...